QHSE Commitment
Safety is our priority, Quality is our focus
Spektr Group has a strong commitment to the health and safety of our employees, customers and contractors.

HSE Commitment
The health and safety of our people and our Customers is an uncompromised priority for Spektr Group. Our aim of Zero harm to people assists us in continuous improvement of our working environment, raising competencies of our personnel and enhancing our operations.
Commitment to such approach ensures our personnel acting with safety focus, assessing risks during every and each operation as well as taking care of everybody around them. Such safety culture allowed our company to operate through the past decade with no recordable injury or incidents of neither our personnel nor anyone working around.
The same commitment of Zero harm to environment is applied to all of our operations. We love and respect our planet and no damage to it can even be thought during planning of our operations. We strongly believe that our planet is temporary entrusted to us and we have to save it in a great state for next generations.
Quality Commitment
At Spektr Group, we’re committed to meet and exceed Customers’ expectations in provided services through providing smart, reliable and timely provided services. Our strong Customer oriented business approach helps us to invest in innovation, equipment and our people to ensure we are providing the best solutions to our customers.
To ensure Customers’ complete satisfaction by our services our technical professionals are oriented at providing reliable and high-quality solutions which are simple, quick and very much clear. Our ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System covers all of our service lines and assists in continuous improving of quality of services provided. We are simply responsible for quality of everything we do.

QHSE Policy
Spektr Group strongly believe that the best way to manage business activities is through the integrated quality, health, safety and environment management system with the focus at achieving continuous improvements in all areas. Spektr Group is committed to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, standards and other relevant requirements.
Spektr Group will promote a positive HSE culture ensuring active participation of all employees and subcontractors to promote a healthy work environment. We will strive to manage all HSE risks with the goal of preventing accidents, injuries, and occupational illnesses whilst considering the environment.
Spektr Group is striving to ensure customer satisfaction by providing value-added quality services that meet our customer’s expectations.
Our objectives are:
Quality, HSE, Security, IP and Ethics
Work to promote a strong culture within Quality, HSE, Security, IP and
Ethics, and a healthy work environment
Continuous improvement process
Encourage employees to proactively contribute to the continuous improvement process
Value to the Customers
Ensure we provide value to our customers through professional technical solutions and reliable service and deliveries.